Saturday, June 25

#5FandomFriday: Make-Up Friday - My Comfort Films

5 Fandom Friday is a weekly prompt challenge for female geek bloggers hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. You can learn more about the Female Geek Bloggers group here, join in on our Instagram photo challenge for July, or write your own posts for Harry Potter MonthThis week, I'm sharing yet another make-up topic for #5FandomFriday: my "comfort films." I don't re-watch movies often, but when I do it's usually one of these all-time favorites, which are my go-tos when I'm stressed, lonely, sick, or feeling down. I know them all by heart.

Clueless - Is there a more 90's movie than Clueless? This movie reminds me of elementary and middle school slumber parties and my eternal hope that colorful plaid will have a style renaissance. Cher Horowitz may make mistakes, but she's got a heart of gold (despite an occasional head of air). Plus, very young Paul Rudd!

The Breakfast Club - I watched The Breakfast Club my senior year of high school, which was such perfect timing! When my mom was in the hospital that year, I came home from school every day and watched the movie - I think having that routine gave the days a sense of normalcy and made me feel less alone. The dance scene in the library never fails to boost my mood.

Mean Girls - Mean Girls came out when I was in college and thankfully over high school drama. Y'all, Tina Fey is a genius who took a sociology text and turned it into a pop culture masterpiece. This movie is the perfect film for when I'm starting to get burnt out on teaching middle school - it reminds me that my students are still trying to figure things out. It's endlessly quotable, and I sometimes forget that everyone hasn't seen it so I might have to explain why I've just yelled "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!"

Breakfast at Tiffany's - I didn't actually see Breakfast at Tiffany's until college, and was surprised to find that the glamorous-looking Audrey Hepburn character Holly Golightly is actually a hot mess. This is my go-to movie for when I have what Holly calls "the mean reds" and need to remember that even the most broken souls can be loved.

Silver Linings Playbook - Mr. Q and I saw Silver Linings Playbook in the theater and I fell in love when Pat had his violent nervous breakdown at home with his parents. I remember thinking it was the first movie I've seen that really conveyed what it feels like for someone with depression and anxiety, rather than just showing what it looks like from the outside. Plus it has one of the most fun movie dance scenes of all time, and it's about the best season of the year - the time between Halloween and Christmas. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Silver Linings Playbook probably is my generation's Breakfast at Tiffany's.

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