How far along? 33 Weeks
Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower
Favorite maternity clothes this week: I love my side-ruched tees from Motherhood Maternity because they are so soft and come in several cute prints, but this week I learned that the Isabel brand at Target has a better fit for me as a petite lady and are half the price, which felt like a preggo victory since I'm now officially at the point where I'm wearing more maternity than pre-pregnancy clothes.
Major pregnancy symptoms this week: I've been waking up with numbness in my legs and arms from having to side-sleep. The whole right side of my body hurt this morning when I got out of bed. I've also been experiencing more shortness of breath when I go up stairs, to the point where I'm not just coughing or breathing heavy but need to take a little break before moving on to whatever I went upstairs to do.
Best moment this week: This week was our spring break from school so it was pretty great all around. I had a shopping trip with one of my best friends, went to see A Wrinkle in Time and eat pizza with my favorite teacherladies, spent a day hanging out with my mom, and tonight we are headed to a hockey game. The time with my mom is probably the most special because she's so excited about the baby and shares little memories from when she was pregnant with me, and she finally got to feel baby kick and feel the little lump of butt below my ribs.
"It's getting real" moment of the week: We watched several beginning-to-end birth stories in our Prepared Childbirth class this week. I was surprised by my reaction - instead of being grossed out or made nervous/scared by the birth scenes, I loved seeing the babies come out and be put on their mamas' chests, and started crying in an "I want mine!" way. I love feeling the baby's strong movements, especially when they can also be seen from the outside.
Food cravings/aversion: I had a coffee craving a few mornings this week - still sticking to decaf for now, but can definitely say my aversion to the smell has passed. Mr. Q got a few interesting freezer meals on his last Trader Joe's run and I've been trying those for lunch this week.
How I'm preparing for birth this week: I've been researching pediatricians and have settled on two that I want to meet. I also spent some time this week doing all of the baby's laundry and getting the nursery more organized. Mr. Q and I are both in major nesting mode, and right now our living room looks like a tornado hit because it's home to the ever-growing Goodwill pile. I like that the baby has been the kick in the pants we've needed to purge the clutter and simplify.
Baby/Pregnancy related purchases: I've needed a new pair of walking shoes for a while, and found these Skechers with memory foam on sale at Shoe Carnival. My feet are still my pre-pregnancy size and I'm hoping they stay that way! And my mom couldn't resist buying Baby Q this borderline ridiculous hoodie on our Target run.