Saturday, March 24

32 Weeks

For this week's survey I found some new questions on Tumblr, which let me warn you can be a very strange place to search for anything related to pregnancy.

How far along? 32 Weeks

Baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce

Favorite maternity clothes this week: I've hit the point where I am able to wear very few of my pre-pregnancy tops. My favorite thing this week was the PinkBlush dress I wore to my shower on Sunday - since maternity shopping options are limited in my area (there's a Motherhood Maternity in our mall and a Motherhood Maternity department at Macy's. That's it.), I ordered several options from PinkBlush and Wren + Ivory.

Major pregnancy symptoms this week: Nonstop heartburn continues. This week lower back pain really became a thing, and I had some really vivid dreams (usually if I watched TV right before bed, things from the show popped up in my dreams, so I probably need to avoid potentially scary/gross things like X-Files and 9-1-1 for a while). I haven't had any severe Braxton Hicks contractions since our trip to West Virginia, but I am having the sensation sometimes that there is a phantom elastic band around the top of my bump. Today I've just been really tired, but since it's spring break I have zero regrets about spending the day watching rom-coms on Freeform. That wonderful second trimester energy is in the rear-view mirror for sure and I wish I'd taken more advantage of it.

This week's prenatal appointment: Short and sweet with the regular tests. My fundal height measurement was normal, Baby Q's heart rate was 147, and I have gained about 10 pounds total now, which I am happy with. Dr. B thinks he is head down already.

Best moment this week: Definitely my baby shower on Sunday - getting to see so many friends and family members come out to love on my little one was awesome, and he received several very sentimental and sweet gifts. It meant so much to me that Baby Q's two great-great-Aunts came! I'll do a shower post soon. While Brittney and I were at my shower, her husband Chris helped Mr. Q put the crib together, so Baby Q's room is really starting to look like a nursery and not a junk room!  My mom and cousin came over to our house afterward and spent some time with us, then Mr. Q and I spent a few hours putting things away (although we didn't have to do much because Brittney's sister had already sorted all of my gifts as I was unwrapping them - so helpful!). Today I'm headed to a Harry Potter themed shower for a friend whose due date is a few weeks after mine and Mr. Q is doing even more nesting (taking things to storage/Goodwill, putting the bike storage rack together to make more space for baby furniture).

Funniest moment this week: The look a student I don't work with gave me when she heard me tell a colleague, "I have a butt right here," while pointing to my bump.

"It's getting real" moment of the week: The look a student I don't work with gave me when she heard me tell a colleague, "I have a butt right here," while pointing to my bump.

Food cravings: Red Gatorade (really hope I'm not giving Baby Q in-utero ADHD from the red dye) and all the fruits. I think I could eat a whole bowl of fruit salad and drink a gallon of pomegranate or blueberry juice. Mr. Q also very kindly went to pick up spaghetti with meat sauce from our favorite Italian restaurant at 8:30 last night.

How I'm preparing for birth this week: I'm trying to use the yoga ball as my chair for a little while every day, I'm drinking red raspberry leaf tea whenever I remember to, and I've started eating a few dates every day. I also spent some time today looking at all of the "What to pack in your hospital bag" posts on Pinterest and creating my own list. I ordered some comfy-looking nursing clothes from Old Navy today, and I'm going to go ahead and buy my travel toiletries next week while I'm on spring break. Our childbirth class was canceled this week because it snowed on Wednesday, so I took the time to start reading The Happiest Baby on the Block. I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Karp's grandpa-joke-accented writing style, but I've learned a lot from the book and can't wait to practice the soothing techniques with Baby Q.

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